22 Qadam is an upcoming Pakistani drama on a new channel, green entertainment. The cast of this drama includes Wahaj Ali as Junaid, Hareem Farooq as Fari, Kinza Razzak as Amber, Saleem Mairaj as Qasim and others.
Anjum Shahzad directs the drama. Produced by Hareem Farooq and Imran Raza Rizvi, Zeeshan Ilyas writes the horror series.
The riveting drama 22 Qadam is a remarkable sports drama where we can see Hareem Farooq as Fari, a small-town girl with passion and a dream in her eyes to become a cricketer; by crossing all social hurdles, she becomes a sportsperson who will be living the dream of her life.
And Murtasim from the most hit drama Tere Bin, as Junaid, can be seen as a successful cricketer willing to help Fari make it all happen.
This drama is about empowering women. It is about breaking all the societal standards for women for not fulfilling their dreams.
The drama will be on air on Green Entertainment from 16th July every Saturday at 8:00 pm.